Achoo! Achoo! Learn the Best Treatments for Cold & Sinus

Cold and Sinus Remedies: Sick man on a sofa
Reading Time: ~ 8 minutes

When it’s more than just a sneeze or a stuffy nose, and you find yourself grappling with a cold or a sinus infection, it’s time to look at what works best to kick these symptoms to the curb. No need for a doctor’s visit for every sniffle or cough – sometimes, the best relief comes from a mix of those home remedies we all know and love, combined with a few picks from the pharmacy aisle. This article is all about uncovering those cold remedies that actually work, blending the old-school wisdom with a touch of modern-day convenience.

Understanding the Basics

Navigating Upper Respiratory Infections: Colds, Sinusitis, and Beyond

Upper respiratory infections (URIs) encompass a range of illnesses affecting the upper respiratory tract. Two common types are colds and sinus infections, each with distinct symptoms:

Common Colds:
    • Primary Affected Areas: Nose and throat.
    • Early Signs: Often begins with a scratchy or sore throat.
    • Progression: Leads to sneezing, runny or stuffy nose.
    • Other Symptoms: May include watery eyes, mild headache, and mild body aches.
    • Duration: Generally mild and resolves within a week.
    • Cough: Coughing is common, especially towards the end of the cold.
Sinus Infections (Sinusitis):
    • Primary Affected Areas: Sinus cavities.
    • Symptoms: Persistent headaches, facial pressure or pain, nasal congestion.
    • Additional Signs: Possible fever, fatigue, dental pain, reduced sense of smell or taste.
    • Nasal Discharge: Thick, often discolored discharge from the nose or throat.
    • Duration: Can last longer than a cold, sometimes several weeks.
    • Phlegm: Phlegm can be present, originating from sinus cavities.
Other Upper Respiratory Infections:
    • Broader Category: Includes illnesses like bronchitis, which affects the bronchi in the lungs.
    • Symptoms: Depending on the specific illness, can include a deeper cough, chest discomfort, and varied severity of fever and fatigue.
    • Duration and Severity: Often more severe and longer-lasting than common colds or sinus infections.

Understanding the specific characteristics of each type of URI is crucial for effective treatment and management. This knowledge can guide you in deciding when home remedies are sufficient and when medical consultation is necessary.

A Word of Caution

As helpful as home remedies and over-the-counter solutions can be, they’re not substitutes for professional medical advice. I’m sharing insights based on experience and research, not medical expertise. If your symptoms are severe, like significant trouble breathing, extreme fatigue, or if they persist for more than 10 days, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional. Always prioritize your health and seek expert care when in doubt.

The Role of Lifestyle in Recovery

Hydration, Rest, and Hygiene: The Trinity of Recovery

Battling a cold or sinus infection involves more than just medicine; it’s also about self-care. Staying hydrat

ed is crucial – water, herbal teas, and broths not only keep you hydrated but also help thin out mucus and soothe your throat. Adequate rest is vital for your body to heal, so make sure to get enough sleep and relaxation. Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing and keeping your living space clean, are key to preventing the spread of germs.

Sunshine and Movement: Natural Boosters

Once you start feeling a bit better, incorporating light exercise and a bit of sunshine can work wonders. A brief walk in the sun can boost your vitamin D levels, important for immune health, and improve your overall mood. Gentle physical activities improve blood circulation, aiding in recovery. Just remember, in the early stages of illness, rest should be your priority.

Sweating It Out: Detoxifying Naturally

Sweating can be beneficial when you’re recovering. It’s one of the ways your body naturally detoxifies. If you feel up to it, a light workout or a warm bath can help you sweat out toxins. However, it’s important to balance this with staying well-hydrated.

Home Remedies, Dietary Considerations, and Nutritional Choices

Beyond Hydration: Healing Beverages

While we’ve touched on the importance of staying hydrated, let’s delve deeper into how specific beverages can be both healing and comforting. Herbal teas, beyond hydrating, can offer therapeutic benefits, depending on their ingredients. Teas with ginger or peppermint, for instance, can soothe an upset stomach, while chamomile can be calming. The classic honey and lemon in hot water is not just soothing for the throat but also boosts your immune system with its antibacterial and antiviral properties. I have to tell you, though, my favorite thing to drink is orange-flavored Powerade (or Gatorade). My second favorite is Chick-Fil-A’s diet lemonade.

Cold and Sinus Remedies: Honey, lemon, and ginger

Food as Medicine: Thoughtful Eating for Recovery

Moving beyond the basics of nutrition, let’s explore how certain foods can actively contribute to your healing process. A warm bowl of Phở is my go-to. It’s more than a meal; it’s a rich source of vitamins and minerals essential for recovery, thanks to its fresh herbs (typically: basil, beansprouts, jalapeños, and lime) and lean protein.

Including vitamin C-rich fruits like oranges and kiwis in your diet can accelerate recovery. On the other hand, avoiding certain foods, like dairy, which can thicken mucus, and overly spicy foods, which can irritate the throat, can make a significant difference in how you feel.

And if you’re looking for more of an instant nose relief, try raw jalapeños. Hey, I didn’t say eat them like an apple (although some do).  I’m just sayin’ that sometimes I prefer a runny nose over a clogged one. And you can still get your vitamin C from it too.  A single raw jalapeño pepper contains about 109 milligrams of vitamin C, which is quite high for its size. In comparison:

    • An average-sized orange contains about 70 milligrams of vitamin C.
    • A medium-sized kiwi contains about 71 milligrams of vitamin C.

So, a jalapeño pepper has more vitamin C than an orange or a kiwi when comparing single servings of each.  Of course, you can down a few oranges or kiwis. Downing a few jalapeños might cause other issues.

Home Remedies: The Power of Simplicity
    • Honey and Cinnamon: This combination goes beyond a simple kitchen remedy. It’s a powerhouse duo, where honey’s antibacterial properties meet cinnamon’s anti-inflammatory benefits, offering a natural cough suppressant.
    • Saltwater Gargling: A remedy that stands the test of time. Gargling with salt water can reduce swelling and discomfort in the throat, providing relief that’s both immediate and effective.
    • Black Cumin Seed and Honey Infusion: This infusion is a testament to the synergistic power of natural ingredients. While black cumin seeds are known for their immune-boosting properties, when combined with honey, the infusion becomes a potent remedy for both prevention and recovery.
Cold and Sinus Remedies: honey and cinnamon

Product Spotlights: Enhancing Recovery with the Right Picks

Stress Relief and Immune Boosting in a Gummy

Ashwagandha, known for reducing stress, plays a crucial role in managing cold symptoms. I can’t speak to others, but I’ve tried these Ashwagandha gummies, and found them to be right on. Of course, it helped that they’re tasty too. Beyond stress relief, they also support your immune system, making them a versatile addition to your wellness routine.

Antioxidant-Rich Support with Elderberry

Elderberry’s natural immune-boosting properties are captured effectively in Elderberry. In addition to being an easy & delicious way to enhance your body’s defenses (happens to be rich in antioxidants), which’s particularly beneficial during cold and flu seasons, I found this particular one to be noticeably effective. There are a few of them from this brand, I like. Here’s another one worth calling out; and here’s another; which I’ve used in the past for the kids.

Holistic Immune Defense with Natural Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for immune health. Opting for a natural source like the Raw Whole Food Vitamin C supplement can offer a more holistic approach. Derived from berries and fruits, it provides not just Vitamin C but also a spectrum of bioflavonoids and polyphenols, supporting overall health. It took me a while to land on that one. I liked its ingredients and I believe I saw a difference after using it.

Over-The-Counter Solutions: Choosing the Right Aid

I look at supplements the same way I do allergy medicine. It’s preventative. It’s something I should have been taking long before I got sick. So, if I haven’t been taking the necessary supplements, hydrating, getting some sun, exercising, etc. I must resort to pharmacies. Navigating the pharmacy aisle for cold and sinus relief can be overwhelming, but knowing what to look for makes all the difference. Here are a couple of quick call-outs regarding over-the-counter (OTC) solutions:

Decongestants and Antihistamines: Clearing the Air

Decongestants like pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine are great for clearing nasal congestion. If allergies are part of the problem, antihistamines can help. Remember, some decongestants can raise blood pressure, so they’re not suitable for everyone.

Cough Suppressants and Expectorants: Managing Your Cough

For that persistent cough, cough suppressants (like dextromethorphan) can provide relief. If you’re dealing with a lot of mucus, expectorants like guaifenesin can help thin it, making it easier to cough up.

Pain Relievers: Easing Discomfort

Aches and pains often accompany colds and sinus infections. OTC pain relievers like acetaminophen or ibuprofen can alleviate headaches, sore throats, and other discomforts.

Preventative Measures and Long-Term Health

Building long-term health is about creating habits that support overall wellness. Let’s enhance your health foundations with these key practices.

Nutrition: The Core of Immune Health

A balanced diet rich in various nutrients lays the foundation for a strong immune system. Incorporate superfoods like berries, leafy greens, and nuts for their high vitamin and antioxidant content. Don’t underestimate the power of regular, balanced meals filled with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

The Sunshine Vitamin and Fresh Air

Time outdoors provides essential vitamin D from sunlight and fresh air, vital for overall health. Regular exposure to natural light and outdoor activities can improve mood and support physical health. This might seem trivial, but I personally can swear by it. As much as I want to lay there, covered & bundled, and often bugging anyone around me for a warm beverage, I found that mustering the strength to out and sit in the sun does me wonders.  Oftentimes, I do it with all my covers and hot beverage and all. Maybe it’s a childhood thing –how the yellow sun is supposed to rejuvenate me 😉

Supplementing Wisely: Black Seed Oil and More

Supplements like Black Seed Oil pills can be a great addition. Known for their immune-boosting properties, Black Seed Oil supplements can fill nutritional gaps. Consider other beneficial supplements like omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics, but always consult with a healthcare provider before starting new supplements.

The Healing Power of Honey
Cold and Sinus Remedies: honey lemon cinnamon

Honey, a natural remedy, is effective for colds, coughs, sinus infections, and upper respiratory illnesses. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties combat infections and soothe sore throats and coughs. Research has shown that honey, particularly when it’s raw and unfiltered, offers several health advantages. It’s crucial to understand that raw, unfiltered honey tends to be richer in beneficial compounds and nutrients compared to its processed and filtered counterpart. Here in the US, there are more than 300 honey variances! If you can, I highly recommend you use New Zealand Manuka honey. There are studies that support its medicinal properties. Try to get something with a high MGO or UMF rating.

🚩  Warning: Never give honey to children under 1 year of age due to the risk of botulism.

Honey is as effective as some over-the-counter cough medicines in reducing cough severity and frequency. Here are three honey-based remedies leveraging its healing properties:

    1. Honey and Lemon Drink: Mix a tablespoon of honey with the juice of half a lemon in warm water. This drink is excellent for soothing sore throats and boosting vitamin C intake. Honey’s soothing effect on the throat is well-documented.
    2. Honey and Ginger Tea: Blend honey with freshly grated ginger in hot water. Ginger adds anti-inflammatory benefits, enhancing the tea’s potency for cold relief. Honey’s role in reducing respiratory symptoms is supported by research.
    3. Honey and Cinnamon Mix as a Cough Suppressant: There’s debate on the accuracy & efficacy of this combo; however, from my experience it has worked. I kind of eyeball it but in a small bowl (like a cup for soup), I add a tablespoon of fresh ground cinnamon, and then add unfiltered honey on top of it. Next, I stir until it’s almost candy-like. I ask the sick kid to do one teaspoon three times a day. I’ve only had one kid that doesn’t like cinnamon (I know, right?).

Incorporating these honey-based remedies into your routine can offer natural, comforting relief during times of illness. Additional research highlights honey’s broader benefits in treating upper respiratory tract symptoms.

Exercise: Essential for Body and Mind

Regular exercise is vital for more than just physical fitness; it’s crucial for mental well-being and immune health. Engage in activities that you enjoy and that suit your fitness level, whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga, or more vigorous exercise.

Rest and Mental Well-being

Quality rest is about more than sleep. It’s about giving yourself time to unwind and engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether reading, watching shows, or pursuing hobbies. This downtime is crucial for mental health and stress management.

Effective Stress Management

Chronic stress can impact your health negatively. Implementing stress-reduction techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply taking time for activities you enjoy can significantly improve your overall health and resilience.


As we’ve navigated through various remedies and tips for colds, sinus infections, and upper respiratory issues, it’s important to remember that these suggestions are based on collective knowledge and personal insights, not medical advice. I’m not a physician, so it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional for medical concerns or if your symptoms persist or worsen.

Finding the right balance of home remedies, dietary choices, and over-the-counter solutions is key to managing these ailments effectively. It’s about listening to your body and combining these approaches with a healthy lifestyle, including adequate rest, hydration, and nutrition.

Each option, from the natural healing properties of honey and cinnamon to the immune-boosting benefits of elderberry syrup, and the convenience of OTC medications, has its unique advantages. And remember, preventative measures like a balanced diet and regular exercise are your first line of defense.

Stay informed and prepared, but most importantly, prioritize your health and consult a healthcare provider when needed. Here’s to your journey towards recovery and long-term wellness! ▪️

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